Monday, March 27, 2006

Fancy Star Flower

Original Design by Fiber Star – Samantha Stopple

Copyright March 2006 - You are free to use these designs for your personal use. You may sell items you make with these. You may NOT hire someone to make these to sell. If you do make these please make note that you used my design. When you print off these patterns please include this copyright information.

For flowers I suggest the following:
ww yarn of you choice in 2-3 colors
I liked to use a texture yarn to jazz up the flower
F hook
needle to weave in ends

I used the following yarns to make my flowers:
Plymouth Encore
Lion Brand Micro-fiber
Bernat and Moda Dea fancy yarns
Caron Simply Soft

Picot= ch3, sl st in top of dc
Join: Where ever it says join you can sl st to join or you can do an invisible join
Finishing off: Weave in ends or leave some ends for sewing on to another project
You can work the flowers in a single color or change colors at each round.

Ch8 sl st join to form ring; Ch1
15 sc in ring sl st to join

Ch8 Skip 2sc then sc in nxt st around, sl st to join, ch1

[(1sc, 1hd, 3dc, ch1,3dc, 1hdc, 1sc. ) all in the Ch 3 loop, ch1] repeat for each chain loop

Here's the first step which is the same as the basic flower.

Basic Flower and ....

If changing colors here: Join in any ch1 loop

*sl st into the back loop sts across then (1 dc, 1dc & picot, 1dc) into the ch1 space, sl st across previous sts* then repeat from *to* then join

Here's the finished flower.
Fancy Star Flower

I used a Mod Dea Fancy purple for the center, Caron Simply Soft for the first petal color a Caron Siply Soft Purple for the second color. I did not use a center effect option for the flower.

Center effect for the flower:
To create that pollen center effect in the flower, I suggest using a color with some texture to mimic the textured look many flowers have from stamens and pollen or a different color.

A: sc in each sc of the ring
B: sc ch1 around
C: sc ch2 around

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Basic Star Flower

Original Design by Fiber Star – Samantha Stopple

Copyright March 2006 : You are free to use these designs for your personal use. You may sell items you make with these. You may NOT hire someone to make these to sell. If you do make these please make note that you used my design. When you print off these patterns please include this copyright information.

For all the flowers I suggest the following:
ww yarn of you choice in 2-3 colors
I liked to use a texture yarn to jazz up the flower
F hook
needle to weave in ends

I used the following yarns to make my flowers:
Plymouth Encore
Lion Brand Micro-fiber
Bernat and Moda Dea fancy yarns
Caron Simply Soft

Picot: Picot= ch3, sl st in top of dc
Join: Where ever it says join you can sl st to join or you can do an invisible join
Finishing off: Weave in ends or leave some ends for sewing on to another project

BASIC Star Flower – 4 Petals
You can work the flower in a single color or change colors at each round.

Round 1:
Ch6, sl st to for ring; Ch1
12 sc in the ring, sl st to join

Round 2:
Ch8, skip 2sc, sc in the nxt st around for four petals sl st to join in the beg of the first Ch8; In ch8 do the following: (2 sc, 1hdc, 2dc, 1dc & picot, 2dc, 1hdc, 2sc)

Flower before adding the center option and after adding the center option.
Star Flower - 4 petalsStar Flower- 4 petals
I used a reddish Plymouth Encore for the main color and a fancy yarn, which is either a Bernat or Mod Dea to complete the option C center to make the small flower.

For a slightly larger flower:
Ch10; in each Ch10 do the following: (3sc, 1hdc, 2dc, 1dc &picot, 2dc, 1hdc, 3sc) join

Basic Star Flower - 4 petals
I used purple Plymouth Encore for the main color and the same fancy yarn as above using option B for the center to make a slightly larger flower.

BASIC Star Flower – 5 Petals
You can work the flower in a single color or change color at each round.

Round 1:
Ch8 , join, ring; Ch1
15 sc in the ring, sl st to form a ring

Round 2:
Ch8, skip 2sc, sc in the nxt st around for four petals sl st to join in the beg of the first Ch8
(2 sc, 1hdc, 2dc, 1dc & picot, 2dc, 1hdc, 2sc) join

The 5 petal start flower before and after adding the center option.
Basic Star FlowerBasic Star Flower
I use Lionbrand Micro Spun in purple for the main color and a Mod Dea fancy purple yarn using option A for the center.

For a larger petal/flower:
Ch10 instead of Ch8 then do the following in each ch10: (3sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 1dc &picot, 2dc, 2hdc, 3sc) join

Center effect for both the 4 and 5 petal flower:
To create that pollen center effect in the flower, I suggest using a color with some texture to mimic the textured look many flowers have from the stamens/pollen or use a different color.

A: sc in each sc of the ring
B: sc ch1 around
C: sc ch2 around
Maybe introduce a picot stitch too! Or if you do a larger flower maybe you could repeat the smaller flower instructions from Round 2 around for a three-dimensional affect.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Basic Flower

Original Design by Fiber Star – Samantha Stopple

Copyright March 2006 : You are free to use these designs for your personal use. You may sell items you make with these. You man NOT hire someone to make these to sell. If you do make these please make note that you used my design. When you print off these patterns please include this copyright information.

For all the flowers I suggest the following:
ww yarn of you choice in 2-3 colors
I liked to use a texture yarn to jazz up the flower
F hook
needle to weave in ends

I used the following yarns to make my flowers:
Plymouth Encore
Lion Brand Micro-fiber
Bernat and Mod Dea fancy yarns
Caron Simply Soft

Joining: Where ever it says join you can sl st to join or you can do an invisible join
Finishing off: Weave in ends or colors if you want.
You do need to know how to add new colors.
sc: single crochet
ch: chain stitch
hdc: half double crochet
dc: double crochet

The Basic Flower:
You can work the flowers in a single color or change colors at each round.

Round 1:
Ch8 sl st join to make ring; Ch1
15 sc in ring, sl st to join

Round 2 options:
Small flower:
Ch6 skip 2st sc in next st around to make 5 petals (5 – 6ch loops) sl st to join;ch1; [(1sc, 1hdc, 2dc,ch1,2dc, 1hdc, 1sc) in the loop, ch1] around for each petal; join, fasten off

Medium flower:
Ch8 skip 2st sc in next st around to make 5 petals (5 – 8ch loops), sl st to join; ch1; [(2sc, 1hdc, 3dc,ch1, 3dc, 1hdc, 2sc ), ch1]; join

Here's what a medium flower looks like changing colors. I used Caron Simply Soft Orchid for the petals and a Mod Dea fancy purple for the center.

Basic Flower and ....

Large flower:
Ch10, skip 2sc, sc in the nxt st around for four petals sl st to join in the beg of the first Ch10; (3sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 1 tr, 2dc, 2hdc, 3sc) join

Round 3:
You can add more color:
Create a two-colored flower by doing an additional row around the petals in a different color:

Here’s an idea for the medium flower:
[(3sc, 2dc,3tr(in ch1), 2dc, 3sc) sc around ch1] for each petal, join, fasten off

Here's a flower I made adding an additional row of color:

Basic Flower

Using Caron Simply Soft Orchid to make Rounds 1& 2 then I used Mod Dea purple fancy yarn for round 3 to make a two colored flower I added a center effect using Mod Dea again doing option B.

Center effect for the flower:
To create that pollen center effect in the flower, I suggest using a color with some texture to mimic the textured look many flowers have from stamens/pollen or a different color.

A: sc in each sc of the ring
B: sc ch1 around
C: sc ch2 around
Maybe introduce a picot stitch too! Or if you do a larger flower maybe you could repeat the smaller flower instructions from Round 2 around for a three-dimensional affect.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Flower Dolls

Flower Dolls - Amigurumi Style
Original Design by Fiber Star – Samantha Stopple -
Copyright March 2006

You are free to use these designs for your personal use. You may sell items you make with these locally but NOT online. If you do make these please make note that you used my design. When you print off the design to have a copy for your peronal use make sure it includes this disclamer and my name.

These patterns are a work in progress so check back later for any changes.

WW yarn - I used Red Heart super saver and TLC Essentials
Embroidery thread for making facial features
Poly Fiberfill (and possibly plastic beads filling to make them stand up or marbles). I didn’t use them for that because I wanted them to be safe for babies.
F hook
Needle to whip stitch pieces together
Embroidery needle for making facial features

Notes: Worked in rounds w/o joining for most of the body parts
Leave long tails for joining

Use a piece if yarn or some kind of stitch marker to mark ends of rounds.

Find out more about using a magic ring here

And more about amigurumi construction here

Flower A: This is the one with a purple flower hat, purple ruffle, leaves for arms and legs.
I plan on getting a photo up soon. I can't find the doll it's become a popular toy in our house.

Magic ring

R1: 6 sc in ring (mark beg, if next row here) - 6

R2: 2sc in each sc - 12
R3: 2sc in 1 sc, 1sc repeat to the beg. – 18
R4-6: sc around R7: dec, then 1sc around - Need to stuff here (maybe sooner)
R8: repeat R7

Skinny body/ Stem
Magic ring
R1: 7sc in ring
R2: sc, 2sc, around (10 sc?)
R3-9: sc around fasten off? (I’m pretty sure I did not decrease)

I may not make a skinny body when I make more.

Arms and legs are like leaves Arms - make 2
Ch8- sl st, 3sc, 2hdc, 3dc (in the last stitch), then on the other side 2hdc , 2sc, sl st, fasten off

Legs – make 2
Ch6 sl st 2sc, 2hdc, 5 dc (in last ch), 2hdc, 2sc, sl st, fasten off

Flower for head:

Magic ring
6sc in ring sl st to join
*(ch2, dc, ch3, sl st ) in one sc then sl st into the nxt sc* and repeat from *to* until finished last petal then fasten off. Leave tail to attach to top of the head.

magic ring
R1: 7sc in ring - 7
R2: 2sc in ea sc - 14
?maybe one more row arounf all sc
then picot stitch around in each sc (14 picots)

I may make the the flower bigger in future dolls by using trs or dtrs.

Flower ruffle around neck:
*Ch8 sl st into the first ch, 2sc, 2 hdc, 1 dc* repeat from *to* 5 or more times to make it large enough to fit around the “neck" of the doll.

Whip stitch body parts together and embroider facial features on dolls if desired.

Flower B: This is the one with the green leave hat/hair and yellow ruffle

Flower Doll BFlower Doll B

Head: same as for Flower A

The Stem / Body
Magic ring
R1: 7sc in ring – 7
R2: 2sc in sc around - 14
R3-8?9: sc around

R10: dec around – 7

Flower Ruffle:

*Ch10 st, 3sc, 3hdc, 2dc,* repeat 4-5 times to fit around the neck

The green leaf hat / hair
magic ring
R1: 7sc in ring
R2: 2sc in each sc 14
R3-4: sc around
Then start a “leaf” look: repeat 6 times in 6sc across : *ch3 sl st in same sc* then sl st in the nxt sc* repeat from *to* Then in the remaining 8sc do the following: *ch4, sl st, 2sc, 1 hdc then sl st in the next st* repeat from *to*

Whip stitch body parts together and embroider facial features on dolls if desired.